Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Full Sail University Forum Synopsis- I Once Drew a Cartoon Rabbit THIS Big!

Full Sail University Forum.
(Lecture SYNOPSIS)
“I Once Drew A Cartoon Rabbit THIS Big!”
“What I Learned about Art and Life while Working for Walt Disney Feature Animation, 1989-2004.”

Part 1:
Roger Rabbit:
Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt… Then it’s funnier!
Sam Ewing Intro
Very brief explanation of Roger to set up showing…
Roller Coaster Rabbit (8 min)
Then talk. 
A little more of my history? Disney 1989. Cels. Ink and paint. Hand drawn. Production notes. Early computer animation, etc.
Show it again 1/2 speed (16 min)
Narrate as it runs.
Animation principles, remembrances, life lessons, etc.
Engages audience,
reminding them that if Sam can do it…
They can do it!

Part 2: 
My Five Things!
Make my five things your five things!

1) Work ethic!
Build good habits.
Work is love and without it nothing is accomplished.
Reliability and responsibility are vastly important.
Take ownership!
It’s there forever.
If not you, who?
What you don’t do doesn’t happen!
Quality vs quantity.
If you think it’s crap, it IS crap!
Try your best all the time!
Dumb luck… is it really so dumb?
This is the tomorrow that was another day!

2) Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal! 
Learn from those that have gone before.
Surround yourself with quality.
Train yourself up!
Study the classics of Opera, Stage, Screen, Books, etc.
Study nature… human and animal.
Observe real life! It isn’t all on the internet!

3) Careful How You Treat People On the Way Up…
Be easy to work with.
What you do has consequences.
I was Kathy’s boss, then she was mine.
No such thing as little people.

4) It Ain’t Rocket Science, but it is Science.
100,000 bad drawings?
Sure, it ain’t easy, but it’s endlessly fascinating.
Keep learning!
Don’t worry about software… learn to see and draw.
Remain humble, limber, curious.
Who is successful? Be like them.
The success is in the doing!
Never give up.

5) It’s only a cartoon.
Have fun! It shows on the screen.
Life is short.
Nobody likes a sourpuss.

Part 3:
You Gotta Have Heart!
Show clips from Lilo and Stitch.
(Stitch’s escape and arrival on Earth. 
I’m Lost. 
Storytelling, heart, warmth.
Give it your best! 
Courage, imagination, daring!
Art is more than logic.
A little piece of something bigger?
Life is like a cartoon too.
The zen of the artist.

Part 4:
My Sixth Fifth Thing!
6) Trust yourself!
What others have done, you can do.
You have everything you need inside yourself.
Your taste, judgement, style, etc.
The unique you.
Making it better, or just making it different?
Again; If not you, who?

Part 5;
That Didn’t Hurt A Bit!
Thank You!
Hope you enjoyed it.
I can be reached at 

I’m also the writer Rusty Pliers.
Read a poem; 
“My Zen Is Like Mickey Mouse.” 

That’s All Folks!
Show (if time) another 
Roger Rabbit Cartoon 
Show Trail Mix-Up just for fun while audience thinks of questions?

Questions Please! 
I like questions!
If I don’t know the answer, I will lie convincingly.

Greet and Photo Op!
I like photos too!
Don’t be shy.
Come on down!
Audience view curios, model sheets, Disney maquette and stuff set up on nearby table?

Rusty’s Media Checklist.
Please visit and like or follow.

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